The Club is, Because You Are! Make it Vibrant
Have you ever heard of the following: Rotarians in no Option or Rotarians in Name Only (RINO); Rotarians of Lapels (ROL); Rotarians of all seasons (ROAS); Rotarians of Company (ROC); Rotarians of Service (ROSE); Rotarians of Public (ROP); Rotarians acting to be seen (RATS); Rotarians of action (ROA); Rotarians of non-action (RON); Rotarians of functions (ROF); and many others?
Last week, I had an opportunity to attend a Rotary Club of Kampala West meeting/fellowship. The speaker challenged members to understand everyone’s needs. Her message gave a hint on what types of Rotarians we may be exhibiting through practices.
Some practices inhibit the club's vibrancy and growth, affecting club plans and activities. Over time, club members get labelled “Rotarian so and so…. and it apparently becomes “normal.”
Whatever the case or the label you may be given, it should be understood. Each member should, in one way or another, depending on where he/she falls, take time to ask:
- Why do other members keep attending club meetings and activities?
- Why do others stay away?
- When did someone stop attending club meetings and activities?
- What has been done or to be done?
It takes many things to keep club members together and connected. According to the speaker, this often requires members to build networks within and outside the club, hold each other accountable, enrich the relationships between members, engage in more exciting activities for all members, and advance the cause of Rotary. These suggest that membership in a club should not be a state of acquisition but should extend to the fulfilment of its cause.
Members ought to shape and sharpen their clubs. This is best done when members appreciate their clubs; they embrace and stand to practice what the clubs stand for. As we end this membership and new club development month, remember that the club is because you are a member.
How you want or get labelled has a bearing on the club. You stand to enjoy the club when you are counted as a member. Look no further. You are the magic of the club.